LED Landscape Lighting Orlando with Lightscapes Outdoor Lighting and Stephen Piermont

LED Watt Conversion Chart with Lightscapes Landscape Lighting

LED Watt Conversion Chart
Updating your current lighting to energy-efficient New LEDs is a great way to reduce your energy consumption.
This LED Watt Conversion Chart will help you cross-reference the lower wattage of a new LED bulb as compared to an existing light bulb.
The light-output and quality will be the same or better, the amount of energy being consumed will be considerably less. Let’s Get started now.
LED Watt Conversion Chart
Bulb type efficacy rating chart
It is very important to pay attention to the efficacy as well as the lumen output when upgrading to LED lighting. Also the LED chip manufacturer can make a huge difference.
Investing in quality LED chips will ensure your LED lamp lasts the listed lifespan and you realize the expected energy savings.
Using only the the highest quality LED chips, you can be assured you’re getting every bit of what you pay for. LED’s Work .. Better efficiency Better lighting


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